Danh sách các port POP3 & SMTP Email Server
Danh sách các port POP3 & SMTP Email Server
Default Ports: | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | Non-Encrypted | AUTH | 25 (or 587) |
| Secure (TLS) | StartTLS | 587 |
| Secure (SSL) | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | Non-Encrypted | AUTH | 110 |
| Secure (SSL) | SSL | 995 |
Google Mail - Gmail | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.gmail.com | SSL | 465 |
| smtp.gmail.com | StartTLS | 587 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.gmail.com | SSL | 995 |
| Please make sure, that POP3 access is enabled in the account settings. Login to your account and enable POP3. |
Outlook.com | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.live.com | StartTLS | 587 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop3.live.com | SSL | 995 |
Yahoo Mail | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.mail.yahoo.com | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.mail.yahoo.com | SSL | 995 |
Yahoo Mail Plus | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | plus.smtp.mail.yahoo.com | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | plus.pop.mail.yahoo.com | SSL | 995 |
Yahoo UK | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.mail.yahoo.co.uk | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk | SSL | 995 |
Yahoo Deutschland | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.mail.yahoo.com | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.mail.yahoo.com | SSL | 995 |
Yahoo AU/NZ | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.mail.yahoo.com.au | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.mail.yahoo.com.au | SSL | 995 |
O2 | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.o2.ie | | 25 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop3.o2.ie | | 110 |
O2.uk | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.o2.co.uk | | 25 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop3.o2.co.uk | | 110 |
AT&T | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.att.yahoo.com | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.att.yahoo.com | SSL | 995 |
NTL @ntlworld.com | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.ntlworld.com | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.ntlworld.com | SSL | 995 |
BT Connect | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | pop3.btconnect.com | | 25 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | mail.btconnect.com | | 110 |
BT Openworld | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | mail.btopenworld.com | | 25 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | mail.btopenworld.com | | 110 |
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BT Internet | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | mail.btinternet.com | | 25 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | mail.btinternet.com | | 110 |
Orange | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.orange.net | | 25 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.orange.net | | 110 |
Orange.uk | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.orange.co.uk | | 25 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.orange.co.uk | | 110 |
Wanadoo UK | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.wanadoo.co.uk | | 25 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.wanadoo.co.uk | | 110 |
Hotmail | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.live.com | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop3.live.com | SSL | 995 |
O2 Online Deutschland | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | mail.o2online.de | | 25 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.o2online.de | | 110 |
T-Online Deutschland | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | securesmtp.t-online.de | StartTLS | 587 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | securepop.t-online.de | SSL | 995 |
1&1 (1and1) | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.1and1.com | StartTLS | 587 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.1and1.com | SSL | 995 |
1&1 Deutschland | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.1und1.de | StartTLS | 587 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.1und1.de | SSL | 995 |
Comcast | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.comcast.net | | 587 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | mail.comcast.net | | 110 |
Verizon | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | outgoing.verizon.net | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | incoming.verizon.net | SSL | 995 |
Verizon (Yahoo hosted) | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | outgoing.yahoo.verizon.net | | 587 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | incoming.yahoo.verizon.net | | 110 |
zoho Mail | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.zoho.com | SSL | 465 |
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.zoho.com | SSL | 995 |
Mail.com | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.mail.com | SSL | 465 |
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.mail.com | SSL | 995 |
+ P.A Viet Nam | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | Hotline 1900 9477 | | |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | Hotline 1900 9477 | | |